Redhead Heaven Poodles

Our main goal is to create healthy puppies to create happy families.
Our Services
Here at Redhead Heaven Poodles, we are in love with the Miniature and Toy poodles. Poodles are noted for their intelligence and affectionate personality. Along with these traits, the redheads are very intuitive to their owner’s moods. These wonderful animals rejoice in our good moods and provide comfort in times of sadness.
In addition to being a wonderful companion animal our reds and apricots can be used as service animals to those with seizure disorders, blood sugar issues and owners with PTSD. Poodles can be trained to retrieve needed medications, alert owners before specific medical problems become apparent and can provide need support to those who suffer from anxiety in stressful situations.
Puppy Care in the first year
I want all my future puppy owners to make the best decisions. By reading the What to Except page it will help you prepare for the first year of puppies life.

Our Fans
Buying a puppy can be scary these days. Please read our fan reviews to help ease your mind.

At Redhead Heaven, we strive to breed the healthiest puppies that grow into healthy long-lived adults. Our lines can be traced back 22 years and we have 35 years of experience with raising healthy dogs. We ensure that our lines meet the AKC standards for health, temperament and conformation lines. Using these AKC requirements we pick the best breeding stock available. We understand that most people are not looking for a show dog and are looking only for a companion. The rules that we judge our puppies by giving the best structural stability and consistent temperament.
All of our puppies are born in our home and spend the first 2 weeks being handled and socialized daily. At 3 weeks of age, they are moved to the living room and are exposed to different noises, people, other dogs, cats, and different surfaces to help them develop a well-adjusted personality. Puppies come when they are called at about 4 weeks of age. Puppies are on a strict schedule for worming and vaccines to help further puppy’s life. Puppies are examined at 7-8 weeks of age by our local Veterinarian. Puppies can go to their forever families at 8-10 weeks depending on size. A healthy puppy letter from the vet, it’s important that we do our best to provide information to new puppies owners so that they can continue the steps to helping their puppy have a happy long life.
Health Warranty covers up to 12 months of the: elbows(severe dysplasia) heart(congenital heart defect), eyes(PRA), hips(severe dysplasia in miniatures only). Our poodles typically range in size from about 6 lbs to 13 lbs. Litters are small and we do a limited amount of breeding per year, please understand we are doing our best to create a beautiful little puppy for your family!

Whether you’re curious about if we have puppies, or wondering about what a new puppy intails we’re here to answer any questions.