What to Expect when Expecting
We are here to help you transition puppy from our home to yours as you embark on your journey of becoming a new puppy parent. Whether you have done this before or not, we recommend that you read these articles, watch the viedos and consider these products before purchasing a new puppy so that you have all the information you need to ensure that your new little one is on a path to growing into a healthy adult dog.
To begin, find a trusted veterinarian near you. We recommend a visit to the vet within three days of your new puppy purchase. It’s important to find a vet that you trust and that has your puppy’s best interests at heart. Recommendations from friends and looking into Yelp may be a good place to start to finding your perfect vet.
We will provide you with a shot record and deworming schedule that the puppy has received so far. All puppies are up to date before they leave our home. You will need to continue vaccinations with your vet.
Deworming and Parasites
ALL puppies need to be dewormed, adult dogs included. During the first years of a puppy’s life, this will be required more frequently. This is based on a variety of factors, but your vet will advise you on how frequently. Adult dogs need to be dewormed 1-4 times a year. We deworm our puppy and adult dogs on a regular basis to ensure our puppies and adult dogs’ health. There are many types of parasites and several different dewormers available to you; please consult your vet for the best plan for your puppy. The various types of parasites that you should become familiar with are listed below.
Click the buttons links and video to show you more information.

Water and Food Bowls
We suggest cleaning water/food bowls daily. This will help keep your puppy healthy by keeping germs, bacteria, and parasites at bay. Having several extra on hand makes life a little easier.
Purchasing Food
We love using Purina Pro Plan Lamb Puppy kibble and Purina Pro Plan Wet canned food. When you purchase from us we do expect you to feed for 21 days the food we use to help with digestion as the puppy transitions into your home. We recommended that you stick to our food for the first fourteen days of the puppy coming home. If you decide to change the type of food for your puppy, it is a good idea to mix half of our food and half of your new food together and serve that for the next seven days. This will allow your puppy’s digestion to become accustomed to your new food. Failure to adhere to this recommendation may result in loose stools, unfortunate vomiting, and unexpected, undesirable puppy behavior due to an upset stomach. We recommended you purchase your food in advance; it is not easy to fly with a puppy, carry their dog food, and transport your luggage.
Flea Medication
Even if you do not take your pet outside, they may still infest your home. It is possible to track fleas into your home on your shoes, clothes, or other items that came in from outside. You can speak with your vet about the proper medication your new puppy should have. If fleas have infested your home or pet, DO NOT PANIC; it’s easy to treat. Please read the article below to help with flea prevention and also watch the video to learn more.
How to apply Flea & Tick medication topically.
Taking Puppy Outside
As fun and exciting as it is to show off your new puppy, we suggest you hold off taking the puppy outside and to new places for the first few weeks of taking your puppy home. It is a very sensitive time for your puppy to move from one home to another. They’ve become accustomed to our home in the early stages of their life, and when you take them home, they need time to readjust and get familiar with their new surroundings. Not only will it be overwhelming and stress-inducing for your puppy to go to their new home, and then new places, but taking the puppy out before shots are completed will make the puppy more vulnerable to different diseases and parasites. Please wait on your vet to clear your puppy for outside exploration, until your vet advises you that they are completely done with their shots.
Please wait to take your puppy to the groomer. Wait for the okay from the vet. We will have groomed your puppy to give you a little extra time before you need to visit a groomer. If you are a do-it-yourself kind of person, that’s great! Please make sure you’re using gentle shampoos on a puppy. Be sure to dry out their ears thoroughly. Ear infections are very common and can occur frequently if proper grooming habits are not practiced. Below are links for some great products, and remember, rinse rinse rinse. Burts Bees and Ear Powder are wonderful products to use. Nail trimming is a great activity to do regularly so that way your puppy knows that is something we have to do every couple of weeks.
We do recommend regular professional grooming when the puppy gets older, but until then, here are two great videos on the basics.
Most poodle puppy’s nails are going to be black in color. So you will not be able to see through them if that is the case. Take a little off the top when they are young and as they grow older it will increase. Stay calm so your puppy can stay calm too. Practice makes perfect and if you are having a difficult time, after their last shots are given you can call your local groomer to schedule grooming and or nail trim appointment.
Washing the Face
Did you know your poodle will need their face washed? Just like us, they need their face washed on the regular too. It is perfectly natural that a poodle has teary eyes. A simple baby wipe will do the trick. Make this a normal part of your regime so that way the eye boogers do not build up and pull at their eye ducts
Be Careful of Heights
In the early stages of a puppy’s life, puppies do not have depth perception the same way that you and I do. Please do not put puppies in situations where they could injury themselves from falling. We suggest for puppies to stay off of couches, beds, and other high places, at least in the absence of supervision. It’s safer to get down to their level and play on the floor. Beds are a tough one because everyone wants their puppy in bed with them. We get it! Puppies are snuggly and who wouldn’t want to be with their new baby all night? However, when you go to sleep, it will be difficult to be aware of what your puppy is doing. Play it safe.
Keeping Puppy Safe
Before bringing home your puppy, you will need to puppy-proof your home. Make sure the puppy cannot get into dangerous materials, electrical cords, and items that the puppy should not chew on. While your eyes are not on the puppy 100% in the first initial year, it may be best to find a containment area for the puppy (The puppy pack and play). That way, when you’re busy with errands or chores around the house, your puppy is inside the pack, and play cannot get into trouble or injured. I would fill the pack and play area with a litter tray, a soft bed, toys, food, and water.
Puppies are chewing machines. If you don’t give them something to chew on, they will find something, perhaps something you don’t want to be chewed on. It is important to supply puppy acceptable things to chew on. If you catch your puppy chewing on something undesirable, firmly say “no” and provide the puppy immediately with something safe and acceptable to chew on.
Watch this video on different types of toys.
House Training Video
House Training Your Puppy
House Training is all in what you know and the effort you put in. It is good to inform yourself on the do’s and don’ts before you receive your puppy. Puppies are not fully potty-trained when they go home. We introduce your puppy to a potty training technique involving dog litter called Second Nature and Go Potty Go; however, to complete the potty training of your puppy, you will need to educate yourself and apply your own techniques.
Click below to view a great book on training your puppy
Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety is a real thing for puppies. Transitioning puppies from being with their littermates to being alone can be very lonesome and stressful. Puppies may cry, bark, or howl when you leave, be destructive, go potty where they aren’t supposed to, pace or walk in circles, or pant excessively. Not all puppies can cope with separation anxiety; therefore, you should be aware of the signs to help your puppy. We have a great video to help with the basics and help your puppy adjust to being alone.
Last thoughts for your new Puppy
Puppies are full of energy, this is NORMAL. Play with them and keep them busy. They need you! All we want for you and your new puppy is to have a happy and healthy future.
“Our main goal is creating healthy puppies to help make happy families.” – Redhead Heaven Poodles